Rufus dog
Rufus dog

Though Rufus did not typically wear clothes, he would occasionally appear in various outfits, especially for the purposes of either protecting himself against the weather, or making a bold fashion statement. Barkin by DNAmy, which resulted in naked mole-man. Rufus was also briefly fused together with Mr. According to the project's creator, the effects were supposed to be temporary, though during that period Wade admitted that Rufus was, at the time, more of a genius than he ever would be. Due to his encounter with the top-secret Project Phoebus, Rufus was struck by a beam that contained the brainwave patterns of several geniuses, which in turn made him an unparalleled genius. Rufus was exposed to Mystical Monkey Power at the same time as Ron, and displayed a degree of control over it, as well as an aptitude for ninja training, that Ron lacked for some time. Many of Rufus's unexplained abilities may have resulted from various incidents throughout Team Possible's adventures. Furthermore, Rufus has proven proficient at beatboxing on demand, so his speech capability could not be ruled out entirely. However, Rufus has managed brief but ultimately successful "conversations" with Kim and Monique, and Ron always seemed to understand him with no trouble. Rufus articulated a fairly large number of random words in clear English on occasion, though in most cases this could simply be attributed to making him more easily understood for the sake of the audience. He was able to legibly write Ron's name, and it was implied that he could write much more than that. Rufus possessed an arguably human level of intelligence. Rufus has also used his powerful teeth to cut through rope, grass, earth, concrete and some metals. His electronic and mechanical know-how (he was capable of programming a VCR and clearing a paper jam inside a printer) repeatedly came in handy in various ways: making Rufus a video game legend, operating some of Wade's handheld gadgets and even freeing Kim and Ron from various deathtraps. Shortly after Ron bought him, Rufus proved capable of opening an electronic gate by fiddling with its inner workings. Rufus displayed a surprisingly wide variety of skills. Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Abilities Though Ron was offered a cage, he chose instead to keep Rufus in his pocket, and named him after the imaginary friend he had in pre-K. Rufus happened to meet Ron's pet requirements exactly, as Ron needed a hairless animal that would not aggravate his father's allergies to animal fur. Ron bought Rufus from the pet department at Smarty Mart the day before Team Possible's very first mission. Just as Ron sometimes proved insensitive or simply ill-informed about issues that concerned Kim and other females, Rufus appeared to be equally inconsiderate at times, though in his case this was usually due to him either being focused on his own desires, or being puzzled by human behavior in certain situations. As a result, he and Ron tended to overeat, usually together, for a variety of reasons: to keep food from spoiling, to prove a point, or simply because the food was there and they could. In particular, Rufus typically consumed massive amounts or multiple courses of food, often even faster than Ron, and would whine or complain if anyone attempted to prevent him from feasting. Īs could be expected, Rufus shared several of Ron's less attractive qualities. Like Ron, Rufus also enjoyed using the various gadgets provided to them on missions. He was especially active during missions, where he would often run alongside Ron, offer him advice or warnings of approaching danger, and even defend him from certain threats. To get at least 20 hours of sleep a day." While Rufus did indeed spend a great deal of time asleep in Ron's pocket, in sharp contrast, he tended to be extremely active when awake. Īccording to item 297 in Ron's Care of Rufus Guide, "It is essential for mole rats Because people often reacted to his hairless body with either confusion or disgust, Rufus was fairly sensitive about comments on it. He had a very strong bond with Ron, and shared most of his likes and dislikes, most notably a love of Bueno Nacho food and a strong dislike of monkeys. Rufus was typically happy and fun-loving. He is generally portrayed as light and very agile, which proved useful time and again.

Rufus dog